
Here I review some papers I read. I want to emphasize that I aim to keep reviews respectful of the authors work. I understand how hard it is to put research together and the last thing I want to do is have authors feeling like I put their work on blast. Especially, because I do not claim to be an expert in the exact domains of the papers I am reading. I am an early career researcher, a beginner whose goal is to learn. I’d like to use this to celebrate / share work I think is awesome!. And also to agglomerate notes on cool things. If you have concerns about a post, please email me at

Or leave a comment or give feedback – I’d love to engage :)

Thanks and hope you all enjoy,



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Review 5

1 minute read

Making RL Tractable by Learning More Informative Reward Functions: Example-Based Control, Meta-Learning, and Normalized Maximum Likelihood.

Not Even Wrong

less than 1 minute read

Wow, I just found out what it means to be “Not even wrong”. The phase, coined by Wolfgang Pauli has just given me a huge slice of humble pie. Basically not e...

Review 4

5 minute read

If we already understood the brain, would we even know it? by Tal Yarkoni.

Review 3

3 minute read

From synapse to network: models of information storage and retrieval in neural circuits by Johnatan (Yonatan) Aljadeff et al.

Review 2

6 minute read

Sparse balance: excitatory-inhibitory networks with small bias currents and broadly distributed synaptic weights by Ramin Khajeh, Francesco Fumarola, Lar...

Review 1

3 minute read

Review 1 : In Silico by Dr. Fairhall Citation: Fairhall, Adrienne L. “In silico: where next?.” Eneuro 8.2 (2021). Intro ...

Who’s In Charge

2 minute read

Well I am very busy so I’ll keep this short and sweet but I was listening to Alan Watts and ever since I’ve turned it off this one thought has stuck with me....

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