
I am a machine learning researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. In 2020, I received my BA in Cognitive Science and Data Science from University of California, Berkeley and was a research assistant at Dr. Kevin Bender’s lab (UCSF).

Research Interests

I am interested in computational neuroscience, particularly as it relates to understand the circuit and network level dynamics that allow for the efficent coding of internal representations. I am fascinated by how such a noisy, distributed, and error prone network can a) self organize and b) learn how to make representations of visual scences and abstract concepts (two very different tasks) and c) quickly generalize between tasks. These kinds of questions, fused with my interest in problem solving have led me down the paths of active learning, bayesian stats, and software engineering, but never away from my main focus: Neuroscience.

Recent posts

Review 5

1 minute read

Making RL Tractable by Learning More Informative Reward Functions: Example-Based Control, Meta-Learning, and Normalized Maximum Likelihood.

Not Even Wrong

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Wow, I just found out what it means to be “Not even wrong”. The phase, coined by Wolfgang Pauli has just given me a huge slice of humble pie. Basically not e...

Review 4

5 minute read

If we already understood the brain, would we even know it? by Tal Yarkoni.

Review 3

3 minute read

From synapse to network: models of information storage and retrieval in neural circuits by Johnatan (Yonatan) Aljadeff et al.

Review 2

6 minute read

Sparse balance: excitatory-inhibitory networks with small bias currents and broadly distributed synaptic weights by Ramin Khajeh, Francesco Fumarola, Lar...

Review 1

3 minute read

Review 1 : In Silico by Dr. Fairhall Citation: Fairhall, Adrienne L. “In silico: where next?.” Eneuro 8.2 (2021). Intro ...

Who’s In Charge

2 minute read

Well I am very busy so I’ll keep this short and sweet but I was listening to Alan Watts and ever since I’ve turned it off this one thought has stuck with me....